Join us Tuesday anytime between 9:30 and 7:30 for a make-it take-it craft project! This week we are making pennants!
by Tricia Cox
by Tricia Cox
Join us for snacks and relaxation at this adult-only coloring program! Monday, June 20 at 6:30pm. Click read more to register online, or you can register in person, or by phone.
by Tricia Cox
by Tricia Cox
by Tricia Cox
by Tricia Cox
by Tricia Cox
by Tricia Cox
by Tricia Cox
Join us for this fun adventure along the river and through downtown Waterford starting Friday at 10:00am through Sunday night.
A Storywalk™ is an innovative approach to encourage people of all ages to get out and walk while enjoying wonderful children’s books.
Follow the signs and read the story Silly Sally by Audrey Wood one page at a time as you take a leisurely stroll. Take a map and a pencil found at the first sign in front of the library. As you read the story look for the symbol drawn on the bottom right-hand corner of each page and copy each symbol onto the chart on the back of the map. Bring the map back to the library anytime before the end of June and children who have completed the chart will receive a prize!
by Tricia Cox