Thursday, Jan. 17, 6:00 p.m.
Join us for an evening of crazy fun with this recently released film!
Light snacks are provided.
Adults only, please.
Call for movie title or more information. No registration required.
by Tricia Cox
Thursday, Jan. 17, 6:00 p.m.
Join us for an evening of crazy fun with this recently released film!
Light snacks are provided.
Adults only, please.
Call for movie title or more information. No registration required.
by Tricia Cox
Little Bookworms
Thursday, January 17, 9:30 am
Little Bookworms will be offered on most Thursdays each month at 9:30 am for children 4 and under (with their caregivers). Stories, finger plays, sign language, and songs are included in each 20-minute session. No registration is required
by Tricia Cox
the Mind-Gut Connection
Monday, January 14, 6:00 p.m.
Ever have butterflies in your stomach or been sick with worry? There’s a reason for that. The mind–gut connection! Join us at the Waterford Library where local brain guru George Barry returns for a talk about the mind and gut connections, and how each part plays a role in our lives.
by Tricia Cox
Monday, January 14 at 9:30 am – CANCELLED
Ms. Amy is sick and so this program is cancelled! Watch for it to be rescheduled.
by Tricia Cox
Thursday, January 10, 6:00 pm
It’s time to test your brain power and have some
fun with your friends. Join us at the Waterford Library for our monthly trivia
night! Teams of up to six people are welcome to sign up. Register your team
by Tricia Cox
Happy New Year! The 2019 construction season is scheduled to start soon. In an effort to make things easier for Waterford residents, the Waterford Library has decided to make 2019 FINE FREE! You should continue to renew your items online, by phone, or in person, but if construction makes it hard to get here and you are a little late, no worries! All fines will be forgiven once the items are returned. Thank you for supporting your local library.
by Tricia Cox
Teens ages 12 and up are welcome to join us Saturday, January 5 for a Teen Advisory Board Meeting at 10:00. Get volunteer hours for helping with things like bulletin boards and decorations. Donuts and juice provided.
by Tricia Cox
Join us as we explore winter with these sensory activities. All children ages infant through 5 are welcome with a caregiver. No registration required. Friday, January 4 at 10:00am.
by Tricia Cox
Join us as we celebrate the New Year! All children ages infant – 5 are welcome with a caregiver. No registration required. Thursday, January 3 at 9:30am.
by Tricia Cox