Join us for songs and stories about spiders and seasonal fun! Appropriate for children ages 4 and under with a parent or guardian. No registration required. Thursday, October 10 at 9:30.
by Tricia Cox
Join us for songs and stories about spiders and seasonal fun! Appropriate for children ages 4 and under with a parent or guardian. No registration required. Thursday, October 10 at 9:30.
by Tricia Cox
Join us for the latest adventures of Woody, Buzz and friends! Thursday, October 10 at 6pm. Free popcorn and soda. Sponsored by Friends of the Waterford Library.
by Tricia Cox
Join us for Building Blocks storytime Monday morning at 9:30am. No registration required.
by Tricia Cox
Join brain guru George Barry has he addresses the topic of how technology affects our minds and bodies. This program is free but registration is recommended. Monday, October 7 at 6:00pm.
by Tricia Cox
Join us for science and sensory play activities all about fall! Appropriate for children ages 5 and under with a parent or guardian. No registration required. Some activities may be messy. Friday, October 4 at 10:00am.
by Tricia Cox
Join us for Little Bookworms storytime Thursday, October 3 at 9:30! Stories and songs about fall! Appropriate for children ages 4 and under with a parent or guardian. No registration required.
by Tricia Cox
Sign up to volunteer! All volunteer opportunities are listed on the Programs page of the website. Sign up by clicking on the date that works for you and following the directions. Volunteer hours can be used for church, school, clubs, activities and as job references! Call or email Julie Fick with questions at jfick@waterford.lib.wi.us
by Tricia Cox
Join us Monday morning at 9:30 for Building Blocks Storytime! Parents and children are invited to participate in musical activities, stories, and a play time. No registration required.
by Tricia Cox
The paper crafters meet this Thursday, September 26, from 9am – 3:30pm! Bring your supplies and latest project and enjoy crafting together!
by Tricia Cox
Join us for a discussion of Sing, Unburied, Sing by Jesmyn Ward on Wednesday, September 25 at 5:30pm.