Join us Monday, December 16th at 2:00 for this free yoga class with Rachel Juergens.
by Tricia Cox
Join us Monday, December 16th at 2:00 for this free yoga class with Rachel Juergens.
by Tricia Cox
Join Ms. Amy from Munchkins in motion for this fun dance party! No registration required. Monday, December 16 at 9:30am.
by Tricia Cox
Karen Pautz will play her Christmas favorites at this free piano concert. Friday, December 13 at 3:00pm.
by Tricia Cox
Children ages 9 – 12 are invited to join us for cocoa and cookies! Friday, December 13 at 4:30pm.
by Tricia Cox
Join us Friday, December 13 at 10:00 for Preschool Workshop! No registration required.
by Tricia Cox
Join us Thursday, December 12 at 9:30 for Little Bookworms Storytime. No registration required.
by Tricia Cox
Sign up to share your talents at the library! Thursday, December 12 from 6:00 – 7:30pm.
by Tricia Cox
We will have several Christmas crafts available and holiday music playing! Join us Monday morning, December 9 at 9:30. No registration required.
by Tricia Cox
Join us for an old-fashioned tree lighting on Saturday, December 7 directly following the Christmas Parade and fireworks (@6:30pm). Music by the Fox River Middle School Choir lead by award-winning Deanna Kulow and a visit from Santa and Mrs. Claus!
by Tricia Cox
Local musician Kristin Gleason will play some of the season’s favorites! Friday, December 6 at 2:00pm.