The Waterford Public Library has adopted a Bearded Dragon! He is a two year old boy and we adopted him from Animal House in Mukwonago where he was surrendered and nursed back to health.
Our dragon needs a name! We’re looking for creative, fitting, and appropriate name ideas. You can choose a book character, an author, or just a fun name that you think sounds like a good dragon name 🙂
We will choose a name from all of the entries, and if your name is chosen, you could have a chance to win a stuffed animal bearded dragon prize! (Multiple suggestions of the same name will be placed into a drawing).
Fill out the Google Form Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1D_yhOvxqLRiF_3_IwJtG-GItwbFpiB4p0uf12UQICk4/edit?ts=5f874c22&gxids=7628
Or stop in, meet him, and fill out an entry form in person.