Register online or by phone at 262-534-3988 to participate in one of two preschool dance party sessions! Monday, April 26 at 9:30 or 10:30.
by Tricia Cox
Register online or by phone at 262-534-3988 to participate in one of two preschool dance party sessions! Monday, April 26 at 9:30 or 10:30.
by Tricia Cox
Call the library at 262-534-3988 to register to read to one of the library’s therapy dogs! Tuesday, April 20 from 5:00 – 6:00pm.
by Tricia Cox
Join Rachel Juergens in person or on Facebook Live for this free beginner’s yoga class! Monday, April 19 at 2:00pm. Register online on the programming calendar, or by phone at 262-534-3988 for the in person class.
by Tricia Cox
Stop in for a free take-and-make project on Friday, April 16! STEAM hovercraft project for school-age, Pop Rocks Volcano for tweens, and a Flashback Friday fun kit for teens! While supplies last.
by Tricia Cox
This program is for those living with dementia and their care partners. This is meant to be a social activity and interactive discussion about music. We will be meeting virtually via Zoom. All you need is a computer, internet, and a comfortable place to sit. Once you register, a link will be emailed to you. Register by calling Afton at 262-741-3273 or email: akehl@co.walworth.wi.us Wednesday, April 14 from 1 – 2pm
by Tricia Cox
Register to join us for books, movement activities, music and yoga geared for preschoolers! Monday, April 12 at 9:30 or 10:30.
by Tricia Cox
Register to attend this free yoga class in person using the programming calendar found here https://www.waterford.lib.wi.us/programs-and-events/, call us at 262-534-3988 or attend from home using Facebook live (no registration required for virtual attendance).
by Tricia Cox
Register to join us for Little Bookworms Storytime Thursday, April 1 at 9:30 or 10:30. Geared for toddlers and preschoolers, books are combined with music, movement, and interactive activities for 30 minutes of fun. Register online through the program calendar or by phone at 262-534-3988.
by Tricia Cox
Call 262-534-3988 to register to attend a virtual discussion of The Library Book by Susan Orlean.
by Tricia Cox
Call 262-534-3988 to register for this in-person recipe program! Bring your prepared dish to the library and sample a variety of yummy ethnic foods. Take home a copy of the recipes you like!