Register on the Programs & Events page of the library’s website for a time slot to read to Tammy! Tuesday, November 16 from 5 – 6pm.
by Tricia Cox
Register on the Programs & Events page of the library’s website for a time slot to read to Tammy! Tuesday, November 16 from 5 – 6pm.
by Tricia Cox
Register to join us in person, or participate from home with Facebook Live, on Monday, November 15 at 2:00 for this free yoga class with Rachel Juergens. Register through the Programs & Events page of the library’s website or call 262-534-3988.
by Tricia Cox
Join us at this fun program! Visit with 2 of the library’s therapy dogs and enjoy games, puzzles and crafts. Registration is required. Thursday, November 11 at 9:30am. Register online on the Programs & Events page of the library’s website.
by Tricia Cox
Register on the Programs & Events page to join us for stories, music and yoga movements at this fun preschool program! Monday, November 8 at 9:30am.
by Tricia Cox
Looking for volunteer hours? Join us Saturday, November 6 from 10 – 11am at Teen Advisory Board! Help decorate bulletin boards, prepare craft activities and more. There will even be donuts!
by Tricia Cox
Register to join us for Little Bookworms Storytime Thursday, November 4 at 9:30. This week’s themes is Food and Family! Registration is available online on the Programs & Events page of the library’s website.
by Tricia Cox
Teens are invited to stop in after school on Wednesday, November 3 for free snacks and cuddles with Piper the therapy dog! No registration required.
by Tricia Cox
Attention children ages 5 – 12! You could be the one to light the Christmas tree at the library on December 2nd or win other GREAT prizes! Every day that you check out 5 items or return a special completed coloring sheet, you may enter the contest by filling out an entry form and putting it in the gift box at the circulation desk. Entries must be in by Wednesday, November 24. Valid entries must have a legible name and phone number.
by Tricia Cox
Register on the Programs & Events page to join us for this fun show! Appropriate for ages 5 and up. Thursday, October 28 at 10:00.
by Tricia Cox
Register online to join us for a discussion of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey. Wednesday, October 27 at 5:30pm.