Register to read to a therapy dog! Casey & Maggie will have 15-minute time slots available on Tuesday, August 16 from 5 – 6pm. Register on the Programs & Events page of the library’s website.
by Tricia Cox
Register to read to a therapy dog! Casey & Maggie will have 15-minute time slots available on Tuesday, August 16 from 5 – 6pm. Register on the Programs & Events page of the library’s website.
by Tricia Cox
Register to join Yoga Instructor Rachel Juergens in person, or tune in on Facebook Live, for this free yoga class. Monday, August 15 at 2:00pm.
by Tricia Cox
No registration required to join us for this preschool program with UW-Extension! Monday, August 15 at 9:30am.
by Tricia Cox
Teens who have volunteered at the library this summer are invited to join us for a pizza party lunch! Please sign up on the registration sheet located on the volunteer clipboard, or speak with Julie. Advance registration is required to attend.
by Tricia Cox
Join us for a sweet time here at the Library on Wednesday, August 10 at 10:00am. Amy Mueller from Hemken Honey Company will teach us about beehives, how bees pollinate and make honey, how a beekeeper collects honey and ways that the community can help save honey bees. Registration is required.
by Tricia Cox
Stop in at the Waterford Library, check out an item using your library card, and get a book bag or some sun glasses! While supplies last.
by Tricia Cox
Join us on Friday, August 5 for this interactive program that will include story-telling, map building, water games, and more that will teach us all of the reasons to love our great lake. Appropriate for ages 5 – 12. Registration is required.
by Tricia Cox
Tammy and Polar are trained therapy dogs ready to listen to your child read! They will be here on Thursday, August 4. Individual children and/or families can sign up for one 15-minute block of time.
Register online on the programming page of the library’s website.
This is a great program for children who:
· Are developing reading skills
· Are learning to love reading
· Love dogs
· Love to read
by Tricia Cox
Are you starting to plan for the 2022-2023 school year? Trying to figure out how to fit it all in? Register for this free program for tips on making that after school schedule less hectic! Participate virtually or in person. Tuesday, August 2 at 6:00pm.
by Tricia Cox
Join us for this free yoga class led by Rachel Juergens on Monday, August 1 at 2:00. Register to join us in person, or tune in on Facebook Live.