Teen volunteers needed on Wednesday, 10/19 and Thursday, 10/27. Sign up on the Programs & Events page of the library’s website.
by Tricia Cox
Teen volunteers needed on Wednesday, 10/19 and Thursday, 10/27. Sign up on the Programs & Events page of the library’s website.
by Tricia Cox
Sign up for a 15-minute block of time for Tuesday, October 18 from 5:00-6:00 pm to read to Casey or Maggie. Individual children and/or families can sign up for one time slot. Registration is on the Programs & Events page of the library’s website.
You may bring your own book to read or let Casey or Maggie pick one for you!
by Tricia Cox
Bring your project and join us on Mondays at the library from 1 – 3pm.
by Tricia Cox
Register to join us and practice going shopping! Kelly West from Your Best Nest will teach us and play with us as we practice visiting a store. Monday, October 17 at 9:30am.
by Tricia Cox
Register to join us and learn about reptiles! Saturday, October 15 at 10am.
by Tricia Cox
Kids ages 9 – 14 can register to join us as we experiment with Wizard’s Brew and Spider Slime! Friday, October 14 at 4:30pm
by Tricia Cox
Register to join us at this special storytime featuring Village of Waterford firefighters and a fire truck! Thursday, October 13 at 9:30am.
by Tricia Cox
No registration required to join in on a game of Mah Jongg! Wednesdays from 10am to 1pm.
by Tricia Cox
Register to join us on Tuesday, October 11 to make these two adorable pumpkin crafts! Drop in anytime between noon and 3:30.
by Tricia Cox
The Waterford Public Library will be closed on Monday, October 10 for staff training. Thank you for your understanding.